Friday, December 4, 2009

Are cosmetics filled with really toxic chemicals like organic companies say they are?

I say stop reading the B.S magazines and watching MTV and learn how to tune your natural beauty without showing off your buttocks or breasts, getting implants, or covering yourself up with makeup.Are cosmetics filled with really toxic chemicals like organic companies say they are?
Cosmetics are not filled with extremely toxic chemicals- they are not in the market of killing people; however, recently more cosmetic companies have been found to be putting more then .01g of lead in lipsticks (Loreal and Dior are two of these companies) but they are now changing the way they make them so it contains less than .01g of lead. You really have nothing to worry about because no makeup will contain extremely dangerous chemicals- not even the lead based ones will hurt you unless used for years and years (if even then). The FDA does not approve the usage of toxic chemicals in cosmetics or in anything for that matter so no need to worry.

Organic is a new age thing- everyone thinks organic is better. In some cases, such as food- it can be better; however, in cosmetics I don't think it makes a difference. It's just a marketing term so they can jack prices up since it's all natural.Are cosmetics filled with really toxic chemicals like organic companies say they are?
Well if they were truly toxic the FDA would not approve them for cosmetic use. Ya they are not organic and often processed. But who the hell cares. It's only makeup, it's not like we eat it. And if it gives you acne the try something organic, what could it hurt. As far as I am concerned, it's just a plea to get your money. We have been using makeup for many many years and I have yet to see a womans face fall off. Now if that was to happen, you would have something toxic to worry about. LOL

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